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Lockdown Life: Ed George

In the second of our articles exploring life in lockdown, we speak to Account Executive Ed George about how he’s adapting to working from home in Ely. Read on for productivity tips, social media challenges, unoccupied properties and more.

7:00: Get up.
The first thing I do when I get up is make myself some breakfast and some coffee. I need at least two cups to get my brain in gear!

7:45: Morning stretch.
I run through a stretching routine every morning. It helps to get my blood flowing before sitting down to work. Usually I’d commute to the office, which would get me moving, but that’s been replaced by stretching.

8:00: Emails and social media.
I normally receive a few emails overnight, so I respond to these early. I’ll also respond to any LinkedIn and Twitter notifications. I like to start the day with a clear inbox.

9:00: To-do list time.
Before I properly get started, I jot down all the tasks I need to do during the day, including the clients and contacts I need to speak to. I will also plan a topical social media post for later in the day.

I try to follow the Pomodoro Technique during the working day because it helps me stay focused. I work solidly for 25 minutes, before taking a 5-minute break to move around and check my emails. By planning my day out early, I can map out what those sessions look like.

9:30: FaceTime with Phil Smith.
I try to take 10-15 minutes to catch up with Phil Smith every day. We discuss what we’re working on and any challenges we’re facing. It’s good to have someone to bounce ideas off.

9:45: Reach out to colleagues.
I send a few WhatsApp messages to my colleagues to see how they’re doing and if I can support what they’re working on.

10:00: Business as usual.
Recently, I’ve been answering lots of client questions about COVID-19 and how it affects their insurance. Some clients are getting in touch to ask if they can get a reduction (or a return) in their premiums to reflect the reduction in their turnover and wage costs. Unfortunately, this can only be adjusted at the renewal of the policy. However, we are helping clients with cash flow in other areas by speaking with insurers and finance providers about payment holidays on their direct debit agreements.

Read More: Liability Insurance: Are You Paying Too Much?

13:00: Lunch in the sun (ideally).
Time for a break and some fresh air!

13:30: Renewal meeting
I speak to a client about their upcoming insurance renewal over Zoom. We discuss how the current economic situation may affect their business and their premiums, before speaking to an account handler to process the paperwork.

15:00: Client call - Fleet Insurance.
One of my clients gets in touch to find out about updating their fleet policy. Because of the lockdown, their vehicles aren’t in use, so I arrange for them to move to a ‘laid-up’ policy. What that means is their insurance cover is reduced to non-road risks, such as theft and fire, which reduces the price of their insurance.

Read more: Fleet Insurance During the Covid-19 Pandemic

16:30: Client call - Commercial Property Insurance.
While on the fleet insurance call, I receive an email about a client’s Commercial Property Insurance.

Their premises have been vacant since the start of the lockdown and they’re concerned about the conditions of their policy, which state that the property can only be empty for 30 days before the policy becomes invalid.

Thankfully many insurers have extended the period of time that a property can be unoccupied during the lockdown, to reflect the current conditions.

I take a look at the client’s policy wording and explain that their insurer has extended the unoccupied period, reassuring them that their policy is still valid. I also recommend a few ways to help them keep the property safe and secure.

I’m glad my clients feel they can get in touch with me and I’ll give them practical, straightforward advice. I’ve always made an effort to build relationships with my clients, so they know they can contact me with queries about their businesses. At times like this, those relationships are invaluable.

17:00: Refuel
I wrap up my work after the call and prepare a meal. I’ve not had any problems getting hold of any food items, which is a relief!

18:30: Get moving.
I like to get active at the end of the day because it helps me to switch off. I’m a keen sportsman and am normally really active, playing football for a local team or going to the gym, so I’m finding new ways of keeping fit. It keeps my spirits up during this time too.

19:30: Relax.
After cooling down, I start to relax. I might try a social media challenge to mix things up. So far I’ve tried to put on a t-shirt while doing a headstand. It’s silly but it adds some variety to my evenings! When that’s done, I might see what’s new on Netflix or start up the Xbox for an online game with friends. I’m playing a lot of FIFA and F1® 2019 at the moment, which is keeping me entertained!

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