At One Broker, we’re committed to supporting the communities in which we operate. That’s why we’re dedicated to giving something back.

As proud followers of the beautiful game, we’re supporting grassroots football with Norfolk County FA at both a countywide and team level with our affinity schemes.

Our affinity schemes are a simple way to earn extra cash for your team.

All you have to do is supply our literature to your members, players and supporters. That’s it.

For every person who becomes a Home or Business Insurance client – or both – we’ll make a donation to your club.

    • Earn £10 for every Home Insurance policy you introduce*
    • Earn 10% commission on every Commercial Insurance policy**
How does it work?

Just let us know you’d like to join the scheme and we’ll send you an Introducer Agreement form to complete.

When that’s all done and approved, we’ll create literature and marketing materials for you to share with your members and fans, including leaflets and posters.

Your materials will feature a unique URL associated with your club, allowing us to track the number of enquiries that you send our way and how many go on to become customers.

Then, 28 days after we have received payment, we’ll make the donation to your club.


Why One Broker?

Alongside the financial benefits for your club, there are also benefits to your supporters.

We’re a Norfolk-based independent insurance broker dedicated to giving a personal service every time.

Our Home Insurance is underwritten by an A-Rated insurer, while our commercial insurance offering is as varied as your business. We’ll arrange the most suitable protection based on your needs and your budget.

And, if things do go wrong, our Claims team will support your members through the process, ensuring they get a swift and satisfactory outcome.

How do I sign up?

Simply register your interest by filling in the form below, or give Ian Stone a call on 01603 218249.

He’ll answer any questions you may have and help you to get started.

Terms & Conditions Apply

We will donate:

  • £10 for every Home Insurance policy*
  • 10% of our commission for every Business Insurance policy**

Register Your Interest

*£10 per home policy

**10% commission per commercial policy at sign up and future renewals (Earnings will vary as commission is based on a % of the premium)