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Top 6 Cyber Security Tips for Business

Cyber security is a key consideration for businesses of all sizes and it’s of particular concern right now. In fact, 32% of businesses experienced a cyber attack in the 12 months to 2023. By far the most common threat was phishing attempts, which affected 79% of businesses that identified a breach.

To help your business avoid becoming a victim or cyber crime, here are 6 practical steps you can take to protect your business.

1. Cyber safety training and communication to staff

Training and educating your employees about cyber safety and the cyber risks your business faces is vital. 

With the right training, your employees can provide a great first line of defence against any attacks. Without it, they can be a weak access point for opportunists. 

This training should include raising awareness of social engineering techniques, data protection, and what to do if a fraudulent email, phone call or message is detected. To help you, some Cyber Insurance policies will include cyber training within the cost of the premium.

You should also make sure you have a clear IT usage policy in place, which includes cyber security measures. For instance, how to protect work and personal devices. This policy should be signed by each staff member to ensure that it has been understood.

2. Keep systems updated

Antivirus, software, firewalls, VPNs and apps should all be kept up-to-date. 

Developers issue regular updates to make sure their software protects against the latest cyber threats, so make sure your teams are using the latest versions. 

To ensure your systems remain secure, make sure you have a process for revoking permissions given to former employees or suppliers too. 

3. Back-up your data

Make sure your systems are regularly backing up emails, files and documents to a secure location. Cloud-based systems are particularly useful as they can be accessed at any time or place. In the event of a cyber attack, this information can be restored, helping to minimise any disruption.

4. Develop a cyber incident plan

It’s important to have a plan in place that outlines what happens in the event of a cyber security incident. For an effective plan, you should include:

  • Who needs to be notified during an incident and how they can be contacted.
  • The steps that should be taken to limit the damage caused.
  • What information should be communicated to third parties and how.

Again, this document should be regularly updated and distributed to your team, so they know the drill.

5. Consider Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber Insurance is an invaluable policy for businesses of all sizes. It gives you access to professional support in the event of cyber crime or data breach, including data recovery and reputation management.

To discuss Cyber Insurance for your business, give us a call. We can help you arrange cover that suits your business and the risks it faces in today’s fast-paced world.

6. Get Cyber Essentials 

Cyber Essentials is a government-endorsed scheme. It is designed to help organisations of all sizes to protect themselves against a variety of common cyber threats. 

To achieve a Cyber Essentials certificate, you need to demonstrate that you have technical controls in place across 5 key areas:

  • Boundary firewalls and internet gateways
  • Secure configuration
  • User access controls
  • Malware protection
  • Patch management (i.e. applying software updates)
Talk to us about Cyber Insurance

If you’d like to know more about Cyber Insurance and how it can support you during and after a cyber breach, get in touch today. 

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