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Meet Our London Marathon Runner, Danny!

Danny Hawkins and Tess Minns have volunteered to run the Virgin Money London Marathon on the 28th of April. They’re taking part to raise money for One Broker’s Charity of the Year, The Papworth Trust.

Here are Danny’s answers to our running questions. He’s certainly an inspiration to us all!

What inspired you to take part in the London Marathon?

The London Marathon is a race I have always watched on the TV and to me it is the ultimate test of fitness and mental endurance. Last year I watched the race live for the first time and witnessed and felt the unique atmosphere that the race generates just as a spectator. So, when the opportunity was presented by the Papworth Trust to help raise much-needed funds with the opportunity to run the race, it was simply too good to turn down.

What training are you doing to prepare for the marathon?

My training has been slow due to an annoying injury in my foot, but I have been keeping active by swimming and cycling whilst this injury has had chance to recover. Now we are full steam ahead and I’ve been following the training guide supplied by @LondonMarathon on Twitter which should hopefully get me to the start line in April.

Are there any tips or tricks you hope to use to help you get around the course?

I plan to take a photo of my wife and children with me to have at all times. My wife (my hero) was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago and inspires me every day. She always supports and encourages me in everything I do, as do all three of my children. So, for me the only thing I need to get me to that finish line is knowing that they will all be standing on the other side of that finish line with a massive cuddle and kiss. #togetherwewillmakeadifference.

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